
We are Caro and Chris. We've been going through life together for 16 years, with all its ups and downs.
Now we have decided together to “PAUSE” to press.
Not from us... but from the “daily grind”.
Is career advancement really our sole goal in life and should this goal determine our entire life? Could it be that we have trapped ourselves in this hamster wheel and are simply following the daily grind?
However, one thing has become clear to us over time: We want to see more, experience more and, above all, have time for it. We are looking for a new challenge, completely away from our day-to-day work and want to broaden our horizons. But how and where?
As life sometimes happens by chance, two and a half years ago YouTube's algorithm led Chris to an exciting sailing vlog. People living on a sailing boat and traveling around the world.
“We can do that too”came from Chris. We are moving our four walls to the water and traveling to faraway countries, «that’s the plan!»
Chris was able to infect me with his vision very quickly. And so I became his ally for this extraordinary project.
This won't be a walk in the park, but we're not looking for a relaxing vacation either. We will continue to work, but on our own project.
In our free time over the past few years, we have been intensively involved in long-distance sailing on our own yacht and have acquired the necessary licenses.
When we quit our jobs, Chris as Head of Construction Project Management and I as Occupational Therapy Team Leader in the healthcare sector, and bought a sailing yacht, we definitely caused our family a lot of excitement.
We are now looking forward to discovering distant countries and cultures under sail. Mastering new challenges and building a completely new life on the boat.
Take part in our adventure, forget your everyday worries and let yourself be whisked away on a fantastic Journey.
Press “Pause” once and return with the inner “compass” recalibrated.
A warm welcome to our crew.


After 22 years, Caro has decided to say goodbye to occupational therapy. In recent years, she has led her team through “highs and lows” with joy and enthusiasm. She had a lot of responsibility, not least towards her clients.
Now it's time for Caro to take care of herself. She has therefore decided to work with Chris on her own project - time out at sea, a sailing boat is needed.
While Chris plans the project, Caro devotes herself to a new challenge - social media.
Caro is a bundle of energy and loves to move. Dancing and various sports get her circulation going. But she feels most at home in and around water. Reading and making music are the perfect balance to these pulse-pounding activities.
Caro's guiding principle:
“Have the courage to change, try something new, grow with the challenges that life presents.”
Chris was able to lead the construction project management of a large healthcare facility for many years. He takes great pleasure in the implementation of planning and construction processes.
In 2020, he and Caro decided to take a break from everyday working life together. Ready for new adventures with a sailing boat, Chris quit his secure job in 2022. He is now putting his newfound “freedom” into his own project.
Instead of managing construction projects, Chris now plans the refit of the yacht according to our joint ideas and is responsible for the technical aspects.
In his free time, Chris likes to get out into nature, in the mountains, on the water and preferably in foreign cultures. When he has seen enough of nature, he also likes to be found in urban cities.
Chris's guiding principle:
“The only constant in life is change.” (Heraclitus)

After 22 years, Caro has decided to say goodbye to occupational therapy. In recent years, she has led her team through “highs and lows” with joy and enthusiasm. She had a lot of responsibility, not least towards her clients.
Now it's time for Caro to take care of herself. She has therefore decided to work with Chris on her own project - time out at sea, a sailing boat is needed.
While Chris plans the project, Caro devotes herself to a new challenge - social media.
Caro ist ein Energiebündel und liebt es sich zu bewegen. Tanzen und diverse Sportarten bringen ihren Kreislauf in Schwung. Am wohlsten fühlt sie sich aber am und im Wasser. Lesen und musizieren sind der Ausgleich zu den Pulstreibenden Aktivitäten.
Caro's guiding principle:
«Hab Mut zur Veränderung. Wage etwas Neues, wachse an den Herausforderungen, die das Leben bereitstellt.»

Chris was able to lead the construction project management of a large healthcare facility for many years. He takes great pleasure in the implementation of planning and construction processes.
In 2020, he and Caro decided to take a break from everyday working life together. Ready for new adventures with a sailing boat, Chris quit his secure job in 2022. He is now putting his newfound “freedom” into his own project.
Instead of managing construction projects, Chris now plans the refit of the yacht according to our joint ideas and is responsible for the technical aspects.
In his free time, Chris likes to get out into nature, in the mountains, on the water and preferably in foreign cultures. When he has seen enough of nature, he also likes to be found in urban cities.
Chris's guiding principle:
«Die einzige Konstante im Leben ist die Veränderung.» (Heraklit)