
What does the word “companion” mean to us?
For us, it means keeping a record of the friends, acquaintances and people we meet, get to know and have a good time with throughout our journey.
“Steg 7”
We spent most of our time here, from the end of January to the end of July 2023. “Steg 7″ is something special for us. All the caring and helpful people we got to know here. We spent many a pleasant hour and always had fun. Thank you all for the wonderful time. We felt very comfortable.

Vojko - we owe so much to him. He was always looking after things. Looked after our boat, but also looked after us. Thank you for everything.

Toni - is the man for electrical matters. He has spent hours working on our electronics. Our sincere thanks also go to him.

Annette and Stani - We spent many wonderful hours together. We always had nice and entertaining conversations. Thank you for the pictures you “shot” and for the professional exchange. Thank you for the great time.

Stani has found its place with us

Fax - always guarantees a good mood and knows how to make them laugh. Thank you for your helpful tips and support.

Hermann - The same applies here as with Fax. We laughed and danced so much. PS: I (Caro) will miss the mood songs 🙂

Joachim and Andrea (unfortunately not present) - always up for a chat. A quick trip to the toilet was hardly possible 😁.

Martin and Ute - Thank you for the great support and help with our boat work. It was a wonderful time with you and we really appreciated the conversations.
Herbert and Anita - Thank you for your helpfulness and active support when we were faced with a “problem” again. You saved us from the “Marinekoller” 🙂
Peter and Tina - You also made it possible for us to spend some wonderful hours at sea when our boat had no functioning engine. Thank you for the entertaining hours with you.
We had even more nice encounters, which we would also like to thank.
Thank you very much “Steg 7”We are grateful for your support, your help, your advice and tips.
We wish you all the best, good health and above all - always a hand's breadth of water under your keel.

Ralf and Martina - We had the pleasure of welcoming you as our first guests on the boat. It was a wonderful few days with you. Thank you for that.

The outboard motor failed and I (Caro, see picture on the left) paddled to the shore to pick up the visitor. In the meantime, Sandra took care of a “towing service”.

What a wonderful afternoon (and evening) it was.

Girls among themselves
Sandra, Andy and Theo as well as Sebastian and Hannah were our guests in August 2023. We were anchored in the bay “Uvala Mirine” in Croatia when our paths crossed.
The reunion was something special. Sandra, Andy and Theo had just spent a year traveling in Europe with their caravan. Naturally, we had a lot to talk about.
We were so pleased that the reunion with you worked out. Thank you again for the unforgettable time with you in this lovely bay.

The BootsProfis - Hendrik and Dominik visited us on our boat in Montenegro on September 03, 2023.
It was a very special moment for us to get to know them personally. Without the two boys, we wouldn't be where we are today.
They provided us with very competent support and advice when we were looking for a boat. Everything was done by video call or sending messages. Unfortunately, we couldn't even be present for the survey as we were on a milestone trip.
We were all the more pleased about the meeting. The opportunity to finally be able to thank the two of them in person. It was a very nice time that we were able to spend with you.
Thank you for everything. We wish you all the best in your professional and private lives.